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Check Website Age – New Tool by The Team

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Ever wanted to check a website’s age? Maybe you’re looking for prospects, or just curious to find out the age of some neat website you found?

Well, we as web developers were in the look for a tool that would help us find sites that need renewal. Since we couldn’t find any appropriate tool on the market, our experts started coding one of our own.

As a result, Website Age Checker was born. It scans any URL and provides a reliable estimate of the date the page has been published as well as the approximate date of latest update. Our online tool detects age based on certain factors on the site. The estimations are good, and we constantly optimize the tool to give as reliable results as possible.

Unique Tool For Checking Website Age

A number of tools already exist for checking the age of a domain. This, however, is not the same thing as checking the age of a certain website.

A domain name (such as can be passed from company to company, or the same company may renew their site and have several site versions on the same domain. A domain name can also be purchased long before an actual site is up online. As such, the domain age doesn’t often tell you when the website of a specific organization has been published. This is what our tool does.

Website Age Checker works online and is easy to use: just enter your desired URL (with https:// prefix) into the search field, and it will scan the page in seconds. No need for downloads or heavy processing.

You get three free searches at a time. Unlimited single searches are available with our pro version, which costs 60 euros annually (only 5 € / month). We are also developing a bulk search feature, which will be published in the fall. You can purchase the bulk search feature already for 480 € / year and enjoy free unlimited searches in the months leading up to its publish date. For both subscriptions we offer a 14-day money back guarantee.

We’ve been so happy with our product, we wanted to publish it for you to enjoy it too! If you have any comments or requests for new features, get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.